Table libraries

Table Libraries

Methods on StoreCore and IStore use raw bytes as input and output types. This is to allow using the same methods for different types of tables types without native support for generics in Solidity, but it can be inconvenient to work with. For this reason MUD automatically generates a library for each table that provides typed methods corresponding to the table's key and value types.


Table libraries are generated by the tablegen CLI. The CLI config section goes into more detail on the available configuration options.

To illustrate table library functionality on this page, we'll use two example tables with the following configurations:

schema: {
  entity: "address",
  // Two static length fields
  x: "uint32",
  y: "uint32",
key: ["entity"],
schema: {
  entity: "address",
  // One dynamic length field
  slots: "uint8[]",
key: ["entity"],


Importing the library

By default table libraries are generated into a codegen/tables directory in the contract directory. This can be configured with the codegenDirectory option in the config. The library name corresponds to the table's key in the table config.

import { Position } from "./codegen/tables/Position.sol";
import { Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/Inventory.sol";

For convenience, the tablegen CLI also generates an index.sol file that re-exports all the generated table libraries.

import { Position, Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/index.sol";

Registering the table

Before using the table library, it must be registered once in the Store. This happens automatically as part of the deploy CLI, but if you're using the table library in a Module or a contract that's not deployed by MUD, you'll need to register it manually.


The table library will detect the Store context automatically (via StoreSwitch).

Reading data

Table libraries provide typed methods for reading data from the Store.

Read full record

To read the entire record, use the get method. If the table's value schema contains more than one field, the method returns a struct with the corresponding fields.

import { Position, PositionData } from "./codegen/tables/Position.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
PositionData memory position = Position.get(entity);

Read individual fields

To read a single field, use the get method with the field name as a suffix.

import { Position } from "./codegen/tables/Position.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
uint32 x = Position.getX(entity);

Read length of dynamic length field

To read the length of a dynamic length field, use the length method with the field name as a suffix.

import { Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/Inventory.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
uint256 length = Inventory.lengthSlots(entity);

Read individual elements of dynamic length field

To read individual fields of a dynamic length field, use the getItem method with the field name as a suffix and the index as an argument.

import { Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/Inventory.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
uint8 item = Inventory.getItemSlots(entity, 0);

Writing data

Table libraries provide typed methods for writing data to the Store.

Write full record

To write the entire record, use the set method. There is a variant of this method that accepts a struct, and a variant that accepts the individual fields.

import { Position, PositionData } from "./codegen/tables/Position.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
// set with individual fields
Position.set(entity, 1, 2);
// or set with struct
Position.set(entity, PositionData(1,2));

Write individual fields

To write a single field, use the set method with the field name as a suffix.

import { Position } from "./codegen/tables/Position.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
Position.setX(entity, 1);

Write individual elements of dynamic length field

To write individual fields of a dynamic length field, use the update method with the field name as a suffix and the index as an argument.

import { Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/Inventory.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
Inventory.updateSlots(entity, 0, 1);

Push to dynamic length field

To push a new element to a dynamic length field, use the push method with the field name as a suffix.

import { Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/Inventory.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
Inventory.pushSlots(entity, 1);

Pop from dynamic length field

To remove the last element from a dynamic length field, use the pop method with the field name as a suffix.

import { Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/Inventory.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);

Note that this method does not return the popped element. If you need to access the popped element, use the getItem method before calling pop.

import { Inventory } from "./codegen/tables/Inventory.sol";
address entity = address(0x1234);
uint256 length = Inventory.lengthSlots(entity);
uint8 lastItem = Inventory.getItemSlots(entity,  length - 1);



Table libraries internally use the StoreSwitch library to write data to the Store. StoreSwitch detects whether the library is called from within a Store contract or from an external contract that has a reference to the Store contract.

  1. If the library is called from within a Store contract, StoreSwitch accesses the store directly via the internal StoreCore library.
  2. If the library is called from a contract that has a fixed reference to a specific external Store contract, StoreSwitch accesses this Store via the external IStore interface.
  3. If msg.sender is a Store contract, StoreSwitch accesses the Store via the caller's address via the external IStore interface.

To fix a reference to a specific Store contract (2), use the StoreSwitch.setStoreAddress method in your contract.

import { StoreSwitch } from "@latticexyz/store/src/StoreSwitch.sol";

This can be useful to test libraries using table libraries in isolation, by setting the Store address in the test contract to a mock Store contract. This happens automatically in the MudTest setup.